Most Revered Teacher - Harold M. Barlow

Harold Barlow

(click for to learn about Harold)

Voice pages

Vocal Development





Many voices, one girl

Beauty, skill, talent!

Study Hard

The Lower Limits of the Human Voice

Fifth Element - Diva Plavalaguna song; Jane Zhang training

Pavarotti's Last Performance - watch him hold the space even after he's finished singing

Harold M. Barlow - April 5, 1921 - November 3, 2002

Harold Barlow

Vocal Production, Vocal Repair, Vocal Development, Voice Training, Natural Singing

  • Remove all strain from the throat. Vocal strain comes from improper use of the vocal mechanism. With proper training the muscles that should be doing the work take the load and the entire mechanism stays relaxed.
  • How to fill a coliseum without a microphone and without strain. It is not by shouting, straining or attempting to "project" the voice but by developing what we can call intensity or resonance. When natural resonance is developed, there is little effort, and no strain and the voice can be easily heard and easily understood at great distance and over loud accompaniment.
  • Not "tricks" to avoid doing the real thing. Many singers develop what may be called tricks to achieve certain notes or effects. Often these shortcuts lead to strain and less than optimal functioning. By developing a strong foundation, these tricks are unnecessary and the desired effects can be achieved without strain.
  • All "doing" of techniques limit the voice (and usually look weird or artificial). "If you're doing anything, you're doing it wrong."
  • There is no right or wrong way to sing, but I help you develop your full natural voice, your true voice
  • Development of your full voice allows any style of singing or music so you can sing in any style you choose
  • You may choose to sing in any style but you won't be limited to that style: breathy, belting, gravelly, pure, operatic, popular, theater, etc.
  • Individual private personal sessions
  • Healing of vocal strain from misuse. Even development of vocal nodes can be remedied with specialized retraining.
  • Develop one voice through all registers; passaggio, bridge, breaks healed
  • Pitch accuracy, control, strength and endurance develop very naturally and easily with proper foundation
  • Color, highlights, beauty also flower on top of proper foundation
  • "Speaking" quality, authenticity, transparency allow maximum impact of the music or song to affect the audience
  • Shyness, nerves, self-conscious feelings are not suppressed but singing naturally from one's core without strain transcends inhibiting feelings and they become irrelevant or no longer limit expression
  • Experience singing with "no doing", quite a mystical experience of transcending one's limitations, like being a big open column that sound moves through
  • Complete beginners to accomplished professionals
  • Stage voice developed for actors as well as singing for actors
  • Vocal tics and speech impediments addressed (contact for consultation)